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5 Twitter Accounts You Should Follow (that you probably don’t yet)



1. First and foremost, I want to mention my pastor. So much of what I share with you (especially in the Eternity Changers series) came from stuff I’ve learned either directly or indirectly from him. You’re likely to hear more and more about him in the future, so follow him now.

Speaking of the future, his first book, What Life Are You Waiting For? is coming out early next year, so follow it, too while you’re at it. I’ve heard one of the chapters and it’s incredible. A lot of people say this, but its message really did change my life.

2. There are a lot of people who want to be famous, but so few who are talented and would prefer to make Jesus famous. Dice Gamble is one of the few. Her work is amazing, cutting edge, and focussed on Christ, not herself.

3. If you’re a Christian techy like me, you’ve probably read blogs like Lifehacker or How-to Geek. You’ve probably always wanted a site like those for the unique needs of the Church. is that kind of site. Follow them on twitter for announcements of cool articles that really help. On occasion, I even write for them.

4. Lauren’s blog, ChurchTechToday, falls into the same category as It’s full of great info for the church techy and her twitter feed does the same. If I ever do a “great women in church tech” list, she’ll be at the top of the list, for sure.

5. In 2000, I read Jason Moore’s first book and it changed the direction of my ministry. In the following years, I met him and found that my “mentor from afar” is an even better artist and bigger inspiration than I’d come to believe. He’s truly a pioneer in church tech and why he doesn’t have 100,000 followers yet, is beyond me. Let’s change that; follow his ministry on twitter!

Now, how about you? Who have I missed? Who would you add to the list? Leave your comments below and maybe I’ll have been in a future list.


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