On today’s ChurchTechCast.com Q & A, questions on: YouTube Monetization, H.264, & Auto-advancing video
Here are the latest questions:
AO in CIB on g+
Is anyone else Monetizing their YouTube Channel and Videos?
I ask this because I have a channel I had monetized with ads back in July of last year. I didn’t think I was getting any ad clicks on my videos but I just couldn’t imagine after my views were over 30,000 not getting ANY clicks, so I started investigating.
I found that I needed to hook up my Google Adsense account so last week I did that. In less than a week I’ve made some money but now looking at my stats, I stumbled on the analytics for Ad Performance and looking at my All time stats my channel has been making a lot in Playback-based Gross Revenue. Now I know that this is what advertisers pay YouTube and YouTube takes a cut but my question is…Have I lost that revenue because I did not have my Google Adsense hooked up?
I hope this is okay to post here +Jason T. Wiser If not let me know. 🙂
SC in CIB on g+
Anyone here know video? I have a video that I took on my iPhone that is in a mov format. Apparently to play it through my AmazonS3 plugin it has to be in a different format. How does one convert to H.264 video?
Luther Hollums in an email to me:
Thanks a million for your video on the auto advance of videos. I am new to ProPresenter 5 and need just a little tweaking of this subject.
If I understand correctly, I should have the videos (foreground subjects) dragged to background and run the auto advance from there, right?
Luther Hollums
mw on CMN
Projector stacking
Hello, has anyone had any dealings with the Airflex5d system? I want to stack 2 5500 Benq projectors for 16 foot wide image.
I don’t know if I’m crazy or what my deal is.. but some reason I don’t get the rule of thirds. Or rather, I don’t know if I agree with it always. I’ll try to illustrate, but basically when doing live video, I feel like having the eyes on the top line places them too low for some reason. I tend to like them higher.
You’ll see in the image I’m attaching, the example on the left is with the eyes place on the top third line, and the example on the right is where I kind of like it better.
Am I the only one? Am I just wrong and have a weird preference?
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