Weekly Newsletter for April 28, 2014

I’m trying something new. I’ve read that some emails can end up in the promotions tab in gmail and go unread, so I’m trying to tweak what I do so that more people see my newsletters.

Last week’s shows
Monday on Tech Help for Churches I answered the question, “Is online community real?”
Tuesday on the Screencast Show I showed you how to do “Song formatting in ProPresenter 5.”
Wednesday on Eternity Changers I talked about “Being a self-feeder.”
Thursday on Tech, No Babel I talked about “What lighting technology to use.”
Friday on the Q & A show I answered questions on Web hosting, service orders and the new Mac Pros (and a couple more, too).

Hemingway isn’t just a great author
When I’m writing articles that really matter, I do a few things to improve them. One is a trick I learned in college — reading the piece backward, looking for errors. Another is a more 21st century solution — Hemingway.

I’d love to employ a human to proofread my work, but right now, it’s just not in the budget. Hemingway gives me suggestions that a word processor doesn’t (not that I often write things other than book in a word processor). It basically helps me take the long thoughts in my head and edit them down to shorter-more understandable ones.

If you do any writing, take a look.

Should I start Les Mis in concert now?
I don’t know about your PBS station, but mine always seems to play Les Mis in Concert during pledge week.

I don’t have anything like that, but if you’d like to help out around here, keeping the lights on and the server serving, head over to and drop me $1+.

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