Category: TNoB
TNB140123 — 5 ways to make your videos stand out
On today’s Tech, No Babel: 5 ways to make your videos stand out. As equipment gets cheaper and cheaper, the ability to make quality videos will rest not in your budget, but your abilities. Here are 5 ways to make the most of your videos. 1. Great sound. The most…
TNB140116 — Live streaming in the future
On today’s Tech, No Babel: Live Streaming in the Future. Right now, live streaming is fairly rare. Sure a lot of churches do it, but more churches don’t than do. I think that will change. As copyright issues get ironed you (YouTube, I’m looking at you; if a church has…
TNB140109 — 4k and the new codecs
On today’s Tech, No Babel: 4k and the Codecs that go with it. HD has only really been around for a few years, but technology rests for no one. now 4k is coming. What is it and how will they get all that video to go through the internet if…
TNB140102 — Why your church shouldn’t do video
On today’s Tech, No Babel: Why your church shouldn’t do video. Video isn’t a cure all. It’s hard and expensive. People spend long hours doing it, but it’s the most effective form of communication we have, so it’s worth doing, if you know what you’re getting into. Subscribe for free:…
TNB131226 — Making your video file size smaller On today’s Tech, No Babel: Making your video file size smaller When your create, record, and edit videos, they often turn out to be huge. How can you minimize file size for distribution and archiving? Here are some things to look at. For archiving, save the most editable file…
TNB131219 — 40 tips on my 40th Birthday
On today’s Tech, No Babel: 40 tips on my 40th birthday 40 tips and tricks 1. Use png for transparency. 2. Use gif for animated graphics. 3. Jpg is a good choice when you don’t want animation or transparency. 4. There’s a reason that professional stuff costs more. 5. There’s…
TNB131212 — Gift Ideas for the Church Techy
On today’s Tech, No Babel: Gift Ideas for the Church Techy This isn’t an exhaustive list, but just the things that I’d want if people were giving gifts to me. That’s not to say I’m asking for them (unless you’re offering) ;). Instead, these are just ideas for some things…
TNB131205 — Design Tips for Beginners
On today’s Tech, No Babel: Design Tips for Beginners When you’re just learning to design things, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. I guarantee, though, that if you use these tips, your work will immediately look better, even if it still doesn’t match what’s in your head. Remember the rule of…
TNB131128 — What are you thankful for?
On today’s Tech, No Babel: What are you thankful for? Instead of thinking about what you don’t have, think about all the problems that didn’t happen. Think about all the people who have it worse than you. Now, thank God for your life, hard as it can sometimes be, it’s…