Where did Apply to all go in ProPresenter 7?

Where did Apply to all go in ProPresenter 7?

When ProPresenter 7 first launched, there were some things missing. They fall into the categories of: things that weren’t back YET, things that are gone forever, and things that may or may not come back. Happily, the “Apply to all” button just wasn’t back YET, back then. Now, it’s back,…

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ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to make the interface simpler while presenting

ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to make the interface simpler while presenting

Sometimes, you set up ProPresenter just the way you want it to be, but during church, you find that there are too many things open and too many possibilities. Whether you’re doing the setup yourself for yourself, or creating everything so that someone else can run it, follow these tips…

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ProPresenter 7 Tutorial : How to send different background images to different displays

ProPresenter 7 Tutorial : How to send different background images to different displays

Now that ProPresenter can send different things out of different outputs, you might be wondering how you’d send a full-screen image out of one output for, for example, the in-person audience screen and how you’d send a smaller image, for a lower third, to the live-stream. It is possible and…

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ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to use Bibles to display multiple translations

ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to use Bibles to display multiple translations

With Pro6, you had to add multiple translations one at a time, to one slide at a time, but that left out two common use-cases. So, Renewed Vision added the ability to add multiple translations to a single slide in ProPresenter 7. Now, your pastor can compare decisions multiple translators…

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ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to use the Mask layer

ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to use the Mask layer

One of the powerful things about ProPresenter is layers. Each layer can be changed individually and each has its own advantages. The Masks layer is no different. If you need to mask out part of the projection, the mask layer is what you’d use. Some common uses are for environmental…

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ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to enable and edit CCLI information and a hack for displaying the title

ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to enable and edit CCLI information and a hack for displaying the title

CCLI is a company that provides licensing that allows churches to do a few things legally…while providing for musical artists. In addition to the cost of the licence, the terms say that you must display information about the song. ProPresenter makes it easy with a CCLI integration. So, how do…

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ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to unregister and reregister ProPresenter

ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to unregister and reregister ProPresenter

With Pro7, Renewed Vision changed the way they do licensing (for churches, at least). With Pro6, you could have it installed on any number of computers (with the same operating system, so either Mac OR PC, and changing that required an additional fee). You could only PRESENT with one at…

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ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to use hotkeys (the little letters in the yellow boxes on the slides)

ProPresenter 7 Tutorial: How to use hotkeys (the little letters in the yellow boxes on the slides)

One of the minor changes that Renewed Vision made when they released ProPresenter 7 was to surface something that has existed through previous versions, but wasn’t obvious, if you didn’t know about it. Hotkeys. Of course, a lot of people have known that you can type in a slide number…

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How to make a multiview in ProPresenter 7 (Pro7)

How to make a multiview in ProPresenter 7 (Pro7)

Today, let’s look at creating a multivew in Pro7. With the addition of recording and live-streaming features, you need a way to see all the live video sources. In Pro7, it’s easy to do. Bonus: I show you how to add live video sources (watch as I learn what the…

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How to live-stream and record with ProPresenter 7.1 (Pro7.1)

How to live stream and record with ProPresenter 7.1 (Pro7.1)

ProPresenter+ has given Renewed Vision reason to roll out much more frequent updates which include new features and Pro7.1 is the first proof of that fact. Previously, you needed additional software to live-stream with ProPresenter, but no longer. Now, you can live-stream directly from inside ProPresenter 7. For some churches,…

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